Where I Save on Wardrobe Staples

Save on Fashion Essentials

I can’t help but scratch my head when I hear that people spend upwards of $30 on a layering tank top or socks – it just doesn’t make sense. If you’re one of those people, keep doing you, I’m just not at a place in my life where I can justify spending tons of money on items of clothing that are for layering. Here are the stores I shop at to save serious cash on non-exciting clothing items.

> Tahhh-get (aka Target) This might seem like a no-brainer to many of you. Target is my go-to for most things when I’m in a pinch or feel like spending tons of time meandering around a giant store. I solely shop at Target for my plain t-shirts. The basic, solid-colored t-shirts are great quality for the price and last for months and months. The best part: they’re often on sale for $5 a piece. You read that right, five-FREAKING-dollars. On another note, Target has great socks. The Champion socks are super comfortable, airy and are incredibly affordable (like 10 pairs for $7). Seriously, socks are one of the most un-fun things to have to buy so getting them for a great price makes it a little more fun.

> Forever 21 Ever since I first learned of Forever 21 and they began popping up on every corner, I’ve had a very deep love/hate relationship with this store. As a curvy, tall teenager, I found it really hard to find clothing pieces that were flattering and comfortable. That is until I discovered their layering camis. Okay, before you roll your eyes, hear me out. First of all, their layering camis are $1.90 a piece. Right, less than $2.00 so… right. Second of all, the quality of these tank tops over the years has drastically improved. I bought three of these tanks in store a few weeks ago and the softness (?) of these tanks is incredible. Lastly, these tank tops last a long-ass time, like years. Case and point.

> Costco Yes, you read that right. Costco is so much more than their blocks of cheese and bags of pretzels buns (pause: if y’all haven’t had these, you need to… right now…).  I have had some INSANE luck with clothing pieces at Costco. The biggest clothing highlights: Keds for $20, fantastic quality leggings and yoga pants and the coziest flannels EVER. If you or your family have a Costco membership, don’t breeze on past the clothing section. Trust me, you’ll pick up some great finds.

Don’t feel like you need to spend a gazillion dollars on some less-than-fun clothing purchases. Chances are that if you live in the States, you probably have at least one of the above stores near you – go get some clothes!

Where do you shop to save on basic clothing essentials?

30 thoughts on “Where I Save on Wardrobe Staples

  1. Tori says:

    I love Target but I end up spending too much money there! I also totally agree with Costco… my yoga pants are from there and they are THE BEST. (Not staples, but definitely essential.)


  2. Tiffani says:

    Yes Kristine! Target has seriously become such a hotspot for so many fashion staples! I never used to be able to find cute stuff that I really liked at Target when I was younger, but now? The cup runneth over! Hahah, they are the bomb!
    I can’t agree more with Costco… I think so many people overlook Costco, but they have some cute stuff, and why can resist the samples?

    I can normally find some good finds at TJ Maxx and Marshalls, but it’s always a hunt when I’m there!

    Xo, Tiffani

  3. Kym says:

    I love this list! I normally buy most of my clothes from thrift stores, but when I can’t find something I need there or want something new, target is my first pick! My college town doesn’t have a target, so it’s always my first stop when I visit home, haha!
    I’ve never looked at Costco for clothes. I’ll have to do that next time I’m there buying family sized nutella:)

    • My Little Box of Tricks says:

      Thrift stores are another great option! I’ve found some really great, heavy and warm knit sweaters from thrift stores that would be SUPER costly if bought new. I love challenging myself to look for great finds like that!

  4. TheBeautifulFool says:

    I love shopping for staples and probably have way too many in my closet (although I’m not sure if you can ever have too many staples lol). I definitely agree with Target and H&M, but another one I have come to love is the Gap and Old Navy outlets. They are usually amazing quality and I have gotten some really great deals on them.

    Jenni // The Beautiful Fool

  5. Honeybee Joyous says:

    I looooove getting Keds at Costco. I also found some comfy “tshirt” bras there that just fit me perfectly and so I bought a whole bunch!

  6. Sami Mast says:

    Yesss! I agree with all these places! Target is basically my favorite place in the world for anything, haha but they have such great staples and no one ever seems to take advantage! And I also love Forever 21. People say the clothes there fall apart easily, but I’ve never had that happen to me. I still have clothes from high school (3+ years ago) that are in perfect condition. Also YES COSTCO! Their leggings are truly amazing, and I’ve gotten Nike ones there for like $15!!


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